
SIMBLOCK brand products are used in construction,  machine building, production process automation, electrical  switchgear, and in  renewable electricity generating equipment.

The SIMBLOCK brand consists of 3 product groups : Al/Cu universal rail-mounted terminal blocks STB,  distribution blocks: branch SCB, universal SUB, distribution SDB, isolated terminals SBB.

1) Universal rail-mounted terminal blocks – series STB (+accessories OSTB)

The STB threaded busbar connectors  allow the connection of Al/Cu conductors ranging in cross sections from 6 mm² to 300 mm² and conductors equipped with a  cable end sleeve from 4 mm² to 240 mm². 

The unique core shape and special body grooving ensure that the heat generated during the connector’s operation does not accumulate but is dissipated outside. The high standard for Al/Cu connections is guaranteed by the UL 486E certificate.  As a result of thicker housing walls, the connector does not deform when tightening the wires and remains stable on the TS 35 rail. Hex socket screws with fine threads allow  increased clamping force. The colours of the body cover ( grey/blue/green/brown) correspond to the actual colours of the connected conductors. A special feature  of STB 95, STB 180, and STB 300 is the additional space for the so-called measuring connector in their  design. It allows  monitoring  the wire connection. 

OSTB dust covers (dedicated to the STB series of connectors) provide permanent access to the measurement connector. Thus, there is no need to pull off the cover to inspect the connection.

The OSTB dust covers (dedicated to the STB connector series) provide constant access to the measuring connector, thus eliminating the need to remove the cover to   inspect the connection .

2) Isolated terminals for rail – series SBB

SBB is a special example of an insulated terminal made of stainless steel .  It is the only one on the market that  allows installation on a bus bar along with connecting two wires to it at the same time. The advantage of these connectors is the speed and ease of installation on the rail. The SBB housing, as in all SIMBLOCK products, protects the  installer from unwanted contact with  live parts.

3) Distribution blocks – series SCB, SUB, SDB

3a) Branch – series SCB

The SCB branch blocks connect wires from 2.5 mm² to 70 mm² and wires equipped with an  end sleeve from 1.5 mm² to 50 mm². One feature that distinguishes the SCB blocks from similar products on the Polish market is their width. In the case of SCB 25, it is only 17.8 mm. This allows  the installation of a larger number of SCB blocks in a row in connection cabinets and  switchgear.

Each wire  entering the SCB is secured  with two clamping screws, ensuring the connection durability . The housing design in the SCB series prevents the screws from falling out. All blocks can be connected in sections, and the three, four, and five-pole SCB blocks can be installed both horizontally and vertically.

3b) Universal – series SUB (+ accessories MSUB)

SUB holds a special place within the entire SIMBLOCK category. These  products  offer input cross-sections ranging from 2.5 mm² to 185 mm² for wire and cable type conductors and from 1.5 mm² to 150 mm² for conductors equipped with  end sleeves.

The SUB’s transparent cover  allows  inspection of each  connected and  separated cables. Digital and  letter markings intuitively guide the installer through the input and output channels. At the same time, the SUB has specially prepared spaces in the housing for making connections with both round and flat wires. 

With  side hooks in the housing, each SUB can be connected to an  adjacent block in sections in any order, regardless of its size, allowing for their bridging. This can be done using either round wires or specially insulated flat MSUB bridges. An additional advantage is the brass core designed to operate at 1000 V AC / 1500 V DC, which is particularly important in places with higher network loads.

3c) Distribution – series SDB

The SDB distribution blocks have been designed for power distribution in small  switchgear and control cabinets. The SDB series includes blocks with input cross-sections ranging from 2.5 mm² to 70 mm² for wire and cable type conductors and from 1.5 mm² to 50 mm² for conductors equipped with  end sleeves. The SDB 100 can be mounted both horizontally and vertically, and the  side hooks allow  creating sections on the TS 35 rail in any order.